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How to deter? Small state deterrence strategies

  • Institutt for forsvarsstudier - IFS 0153 Oslo, Norway (kart)

Can small states such as Norway successfully deter great powers such as Russia? If so, how? IFS assembles a team of international deterrence experts to discuss these issues.

Date: Wednesday 29 August 2018
Time: 09.00–11.15 (coffee and registration from 08.30)
Venue: Norwegian Institute for Defence Studies (IFS), Kongens gate 4

The seminar is free of charge and open to all. Registration is compulsory. To sign up: https://events.provisoevent.no/institutt-for-forsvarsstudier/events/how-to-deter-russia-small-state-deterrence-strategies/register

Deterrence is now firmly back on the agenda in the transatlantic defence community. However, both practitioners and scholars engaged in the discussions tends to view deterrence through large state lenses. To what extend is existing deterrence theory applicable to Norway, a small NATO state sharing a land and sea border with Russia? Should Norway aim to do things differently?

Deterrence theory tends to emphasis two main strategies: punishment and denial. Are both applicable to small states such as Norway? What are the advantages and drawbacks for smaller powers? What would either strategy look like if pursued by a small state? Finally, NATO security guaranties forms the bedrock of Norwegian security policy. The US and its major European allies effectively seeks to deter adversaries, such as Russia, by way of extended deterrence. Does US extended deterrence work? How does it relate to Norwegian national defence efforts?

The conference assembles international experts on deterrence to discuss small state deterrence strategies in today's world, with particular reference to Norway, Russia and NATO.

Welcoming remarks by Prof. Katarzyna Zysk, Director of Research, IFS

Introduction by Dr Håkon Lunde Saxi, Head of Defence Planning Research Programme, IFS

Presentation 1: Deterrence by punishment, by Dr Robert Dalsjö, FOI

Presentation 2: Deterrence by denial, by Dr Ian Bowers, IFS

Presentation 3: Extended deterrence, by Dr Stephanie Pezard, RAND

Expert panel discussion and Q&A moderated by Prof. Katarzyna Zysk, IFS

Closing remarks by Dr Håkon Lunde Saxi, IFS

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