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Breast Cancer: The Triple Negative Paradox

  • Oslo Cancer Cluster 0379 Oslo, Norway (kart)

Triple-negative breast cancer (sometimes abbreviated TNBC) refers to any breast cancer that does not express the genes for estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR) and Her2/neu. This makes it more difficult to treat since most hormone therapies target one of the three receptors, so triple-negative cancers often require combination therapies.

The symposium will focus on drug discovery, biomarkers and treatment aspects of TNBC. Participants will gain a broad exposure to the fundamental mechanisms driving TNBC through presentations from three speakers discussing the recent advances in this cancer subtype. The Networking session at the end of the symposium will focus on Horizon 2020 funding opportunities for both academia and industry in the field of cancer and personalised medicine.

This event is FREE to attend and you can send your registration by filling the form at the event page: https://oslocancercluster.no/events/event/breast-cancer-the-triple-negative-paradox/