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TEDxCERN: The Elephant in the Room

  • 24 Sem Sælands vei Oslo Norway (kart)

Take a break from studies or work and come to the live stream of the TEDxCERN event 'The Elephant in the Room'. With speakers from a variety of fields, from scientists to artists, addressing the questions: What will be the future of the human species? Where are we going? Will we destroy ourselves? Will we create new selves?

Where: Kristian Birkelands Auditorium, Physics building
When: Tuesday 20th of November 14.00-18.30
The doors will be open. You can come and go as you like.

For more information on the event, please visit the official website of TEDxCERN: https://tedxcern.web.cern.ch/home

Tidligere arrangement: 20. november
Konsert med Elita, Daniel og Marie
Senere arrangement: 20. november
300-årsmarkering av Den store nordiske krig