Ny-soul bandet Rohey har akkurat gjort en supportrunde for Jarle Bernhoft og musikken har slått farlig godt an! Med dype røtter i soul og et retro-futuristiskt sound holder bandet stø kurs mot en spennende framtid.
Singelen 'Is this all there is?' kan høres her:
Rohey Taalah – vokal, Ivan Blomqvist – keyboards, Kristian B. Jacobsen – bass, Henrik Lødøen – trommer
«Rohey’s presence was clear. All eyes were on her and all ears were on the band. Somehow, this felt old school. A throwback to the days of a dynamic band with an engaging singer. Especially young people should take note of this. Music is alive outside the internet and Rohey are keeping it real.» – Andy Collins, Scandinavian Soul
Tilbake til alle arrangementer
Tidligere arrangement: 1. april
Dunderbeist - John Dee (Ved Rockefeller), Oslo
Senere arrangement: 1. april
Call, don't text - Parkteatret Scene, Oslo