Nick Moss has been recognized as one the great guitarists of his generation, garnering accolades from Buddy Guy and praise from Jambase, Relix, and among many others.
His recording career spans decades and his albums are staples at blues radio outlets worldwide, and are now in rotation at stations with jam and rock formats.
Nick Moss Band has a legion of fans that flock to his shows, knowing that each night will be a grand musical experiment. There will be sonic textures to discover and new sounds to stir the soul.
20 års aldersgrense.
Ingen rabatt for ledsager.
Dørene åpner kl.14:00 - Hovedartist ca.kl.21:00.
Varighet 100 min. u/ pause.
Alle rettigheter.
Adkomst/kollektivtrafikk: T-bane til Stortinget.