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Breakfast seminar: Climate change and humanitarian consequences

Humanitarian actors are already responding to the consequences of climate change all over the world. Bringing together insights from research and practice, we will address how climate change affects the needs of already vulnerable populations, and the ways in which climate changes impact humanitarian work. Attention will be paid to both current and future climate-related humanitarian needs and to the knowledge gaps that remain.

The seminar has a special focus on how climate change affects conflict-related humanitarian needs, health, livelihoods and migration patterns. It will address a wide range of questions, such as, does climate change create new humanitarian challenges or amplify existing ones? How should humanitarian organizations adapt in order to respond to the challenges brought on by climate change? And do the consequences of climate change bring about a need for new ways of collaboration?

The seminar is convened by the Norwegian Red Cross in collaboration with the Peace Research Institute Oslo (PRIO) and the Norwegian Centre for Humanitarian Studies (NCHS).

Please register for the event by May 30, by following this link: https://bit.ly/2UTcyOU.

Programme to be confirmed. The seminar will be moderated by Anette Bringedal Houge, Head of Humanitarian needs and analysis (Norwegian Red Cross)

0830-0900 Breakfast

0900-0910 Welcome: Robert Mood, President (Norwegian Red Cross)

0910-0930 Climate change and humanitarian consequences: Nina von Uexkull, Assistant Professor (Uppsala University), Associate Senior Researcher (PRIO)

0930-0940 Climate change and livelihoods: Jennifer Joy West, Research Director (CICERO)

0940-0950 Climate change and health

0950-1000 Climate change and migration: Helen Adams, Lecturer (King’s College London)

1000-1010 Climate change and conflict: Halvard Buhaug, Research Professor (PRIO)

1010-1035 Climate change and humanitarian work: Maarten van Aalst, Director (Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre in the Hague)

1035-1040 Climate change and the voices of young people: Andrea Edlund, Member of the national youth council (Red Cross Youth)

1040-1100 Q & A

Tidligere arrangement: 4. juni
Bob Woodward // Colosseum, Oslo // 4. juni
Senere arrangement: 5. juni
OSLO Work and Walk - Walkolution