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Nimi kurs - Patellofemorale smerter

  • Nimi - Norsk idrettsmedisinsk institutt Sognsveien 75 D, Ullevaal Stadion, 0855 Oslo, Norway Oslo Norway (kart)

Patellofemorale smerter

Nimi inviterer helsepersonell til et praktisk workshopsbasert kurs om patellofemorale smerter onsdag 30 januar. Kurset vil fokusere på tilpasset behandling for pasienter med patellofemorale smerter og hvordan vi kan gjennomføre dette i klinisk praksis. Skal alle pasienter med patellofemorale smerter foreskrives øvelser og trening rettet mot hofte og kne? Patellofemoral smerte er en heterogen tilstand som kan utarte seg på flere forskjellige måter. 

Vi er stolte over å ha fysioterapeutene Bradley Neal og Simon Lack fra London som foredragsholdere. De er to meget erfarne fysioterapeuter med lang klinisk erfaring som i tillegg forsker på patellofemorale smerter. Kurset vil bli holdt på engelsk. 

Pris: 2350kr
Påmeldingslink: http://www.trippus.net/nimi/pfs/deltaker

Mål for kurset:
1. Forbedre din kunnskap om PFS (prevalens og etiologi)
2. Videreutvikle dine ferdigheter innen
a. Foreskriving av øvelser
b. Løpstrening
c. Utdanning av pasienten
d. Belastningsstyring
3. Forbedre din evne til å kunne levere tilpassede intervensjoner til individer med PFS
Kurset vill inneholde både workshops og casediskusjoner 

Bradley Neal
Bradley has worked in a combination of NHS, elite sport and private practice settings for the past 11 years. He completed his MSc in Advanced Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy at Hertfordshire University in 2011 before joining Pure Sports Medicine as a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist and Head of Research the same year. Brad commenced his PhD studies at Queen Mary University London (QMUL) investigating the effects and mechanisms of running retraining in the management of patellofemoral pain in April 2014. He combines his research with both clinical and teaching roles and considers himself very much a clinical academic. His research focus is to evaluate the efficacy running gait retraining, whilst investigating the key biomechanical mechanisms (muscle activity and movement characteristics) of the intervention. 

Simon Lack
Simon recently completed his PhD at Queen Mary University London (QMUL), studying the interaction of hip and foot biomechanics in the presentation and management of patellofemoral pain. He graduated from Brunel University in 2005 with a first class degree in physiotherapy, and went on to study an MSc in Sports and Exercise Medicine at QMUL in 2010. Simon is Head of Research and a Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist at Pure Sports Medicine and Lead Physiotherapist for the Scholarship Athletic Programme at the University of East London. Previous experience includes junior and senior roles within the NHS, working in New Zealand with professional golfers, local rugby and football teams, and working for both large and small London based private practices.

Tidligere arrangement: 30. juni
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