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Sustainability Strategy Summit 2019

Place: Litteraturhuset - Amalie Skram
Admission: kr 990,- plus VAT;
Members: Free for S-HUB corporate members

Tickets here: bit.ly/SustainabilityStrategySummit2019

While sustainability remains a hot topic in business in Norway and abroad, it is often reduced to a communication effort or the marketing of a new product line. Although many companies are making valiant efforts in integrating sustainability into their strategy, accusations of greenwashing abound, and satisfying explanations of how companies can become sustainable while remaining profitable remain elusive.

The first S-HUB Sustainability Strategy Summit seeks to address these questions, and at this half-day seminar you will hear the latest research on the nexus of purpose, strategy and sustainability, several leading company examples, and be involved in interactive problem solving together with the other participants.

Visit the S-HUB website for more details.

Tidligere arrangement: 12. mars
Standup på Klubbscenen
Senere arrangement: 13. mars
Frokostseminar: Miljøets manglende rettsvern