Adresse/Adress: Scenehuset, Bogstadvn. 49, Oslo more details below.
link to registration:
“None of us wants to be numb. We long to connect. We long to be real. We long to be intimate. Intimacy is the transitory dissolution of boundaries. Intimacy is an open path, a bridge between my heart and yours. We get stuck on the bridge because we don’t want to pay these tolls: total surrender to vulnerability, spontaneity, and an open, unguarded heart...” Gabrielle Roth The floor of a 5Rhythms event offers us the space to be new, be vulnerable, make new choices, act and play, and reveal ourselves emerging. In this workshop we will investigate what intimacy requires of us. Each joint of the structural body holds a story, a memory; and as the dance of the 5Rhythms unfolds, the body, the bones and the muscles start to come together and create a coherent expression of the whole person. With a whole sense of our bodies, in dance, and through interaction with others, we are being given an opportunity to see what, and where (not who!) our triggers are: feel them, acknowledge them; give them a shape, and eventually shift them into something else.
About Erik Iversen (CA): I’ve been a 5Rhythms teacher, a reflexologist and a practitioner of Heller-work Structural Integration for 30 years. I’ve observed thousands of bodies, both in dancing and in the movement patterns I see in my Bodywork practice. I am fortunate to have co-founded the first 5Rhythms Teachers Training with Gabrielle Roth in 1988, and teach in the current Teachers Training. Through this span of years, I’ve continued to be committed to creatively awakening the body-mind connection. My teaching is essentially an invitation and expression of self-love, through dancing, feeling and being. Since 2016 I integrate into my teaching the Transformational Leadership coaching skills from my training with Hendricks Institute, California.
Bli med! Erik er en svært erfaren lærer som har vært i Norge to ganger før, i 2017 og 2018. Han ble svært godt mottatt og er ønsket tilbake av mange! Erik er født og oppvokst i Canada, men har som navnet tilsier aner fra Skandinavia. Han underviser på en lett og uanstrengt måte, som gjør det enkelt å finne nye muligheter - slik at vi kan velge det som setter oss i kontakt - i stedet for det som isolerer. Workshopen er åpen for alle - du trenger ingen tidligere erfaring. Workshopen foregår på engelsk.