Skuespiller- og danseralliansen, Talent Norge - og Norsk filminstitutts utviklingsprogram (UP) for kvinnelige filmskapere og Norsk Skuespillersenter inviterer til kurs i Michael Tsjekhovs skuespillerteknikk med Lenard Petit, - grunnlegger og medlem av MICHA the Michael Chekhov Association og leder ved Michael Chekhov Acting Studio - NYC i New York City.
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Kurset tar utgangspunkt i Michael Chekhov Technique, og holdes for skuespillere og regissører. Regissørene som er utvalgt er en del av programmet UP.
Vi har 9 kursplasser til skuespillere som ønsker å søke om kursplass til denne workshopppen.
Workshop Title: Perception and the Expression Human Relationships This workshop will bring together a group of film directors and actors to explore The Michael Chekhov Technique as a way to examine the possibilities of expression in human relationships. We will focus upon an existing text (screen play) as a common container to apply methods that can be found in the objective physical world leading actors to sensations. The techniques we will explore are a means to reach beyond the historically personal associations commonly used by actors and directors. The work is an appeal to the imaginations and talent of the artists involved. Both groups will learn the techniques experientially for the first two days. On the final day the directors will direct the actors in the screen play using these techniques.
Kursholder Lenard Petit is one of a handful of teachers trained by the original members of Michael Chekhov’s Theater School. He is a founding member of the Michael Chekhov Association, MICHA, and the Director of the Michael Chekhov Acting Studio in New York City since its inception in 1996. Author of Michael Chekhov Handbook, for the Actor, he has been working in the theater for forty years collaborating with other artists to create original works for stage, film and television. He has directed plays and performance pieces on and off Broadway and in Great Britain. As an actor, he has performed in works by Julie Taymor, Meredith Monk, Richard Foreman and many others. He has been invited to teach Master Classes in Munich, Helsinki, Amsterdam, Rome, Lisbon, Madrid, Berlin, Oslo, Reykjavik, Brussels, Rio de Janeiro, Zurich, Dublin, London, Riga, Vilnius, and Irkutsk, Siberia. For twenty-five years he taught the Chekhov Technique in the MFA and BFA Acting programs at Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University.
Kursteknikk «The Michael Chekhov Technique was developed for actors to bring form and consistency to their rehearsals and performances. It is best illustrated and understood from that perspective. The whole of the wisdom is found in the physical body of the actor. It must be experienced to be appreciated and understood. Chekhov told his students that actors must work and enter the creative process as if they were directors. This allows the actor to see the acting as a composition and consequently choices are made through a larger lens.» - Lenard Petit
Samarbeid Kurset er et samarbeid mellom Skuespiller- og danseralliansen, Talent Norge og Norsk filminstitutts utviklingsprogram for kvinnelige filmskapere (UP) og Skuespillersenteret.
Deltagerkriterier Du jobber som profesjonell skuespiller og har minimum en Bachelor eller tilsvarende kompetanse.
Til informasjon - Kurset holdes på engelsk - Deltager registrering er bindende. - Derom du innvilges kursdeltagelses plass, skal kursavgift være betalt før kursstart. - Alle søkere, vil få tilbakemelding kort etter søknadsfristen - Dersom du har blitt tildelt plass på kurset, men velger å ikke delta uten å informere oss minimum en uke før kursstart, vil deltageravgiften ikke bli refundert.