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Den Store Festen / Rytmeklubben

  • Studentfestivalen i Oslo 0369 Oslo, Norway (kart)

Tradisjonen tro avslutter vi Studentfestivalen i Oslo og fadderukene i Oslo ved å arrangere Den Store Festen. Med på festen er DJ- og produsentkollektivet Rytmeklubben!

CC: ORDINÆR 225,- / STUDENT 175,-
ID: 20 / 18 med studentbevis

Rytmeklubben are a crew of 4 DJs and producers from Norway; namely Henrik The Artist, Hi Tom, DJ Karaoke and Torjus. 

A self-professed ‘club boyband’ who started playing their music live as a group, they developed their sound alongside fellow countryman Cashmere Cat. After releasing singles like ‘Seen’ and ‘Girlfriend’ independently, then remixing pop heavy hitters like Zayn Malik, and Kelly Clarkson they have now signed to Sony Music.

The 4 met at University in the far northern Norwegian city of Trondheim. They bonded at a club night they ran called Raw Juice, which also hosted talents like Cashmere Cat and Oslo’s Slick Shoota early in their careers. At first they all produced separately but to have fun they started jamming together like a band on their production equipment live. Which lead them to come together and actually form their ‘club boyband’.

Mixing the genre-splicing exuberance of the underground with a typically Nordic flair for melody, Rytmeklubben are the future of pop.

Tidligere arrangement: 25. august
Septeto Nabori & Club Clave Party
Senere arrangement: 25. august
Stand Up Deluxe Festival - Comedy Fight Club