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Meet The Residents - The Collective Subject of History

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The eight residents participating in 'The Collective Subject of History' have backgrounds as either artists or curators and they share a common interest in archives as spaces through which to examine and reconsider historical narratives. During this event each resident will give a short presentation of their practice before opening up for questions and discussion. The residents are: Rehema Chachage (TZ), Juan Covelli (CO), Elvira Dyangani Ose (ES), Anna Sofie Mathiasen (DK), Lara Ögel (TR), Amina Sahan (NO), Kim Svensson (SE), Stephanie Von Spreter (DE).

Please note this event is free and places are limited // Reserve a place via this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/praksis-meet-the-residents-tickets-47015742351

'The Collective Subject of History' is developed with Elvira Dyangani Ose and Guttormsgaard’s Archive, where the residents have special access to work in-depth with the archive throughout the residency. For more information on the residency, its participants and other associated events please click here: https://www.praksisoslo.org/residencies-blog/2017/4/residency10


De åtte deltagerne i gjesteoppholdet The Collective Subject of History' har bakgrunn som kunstnere eller kuratorer. De har en felles interesse for arkiver som utgangspunkt for å omskrive og utforske historiske fortellinger. Under dette arrangementet vil deltagerne gi en korte presentasjoner om sin kunstneriske praksis, før det åpnes opp for spørsmål og diskusjon. Deltagerne er: Rehema Chachage (TZ), Juan Covelli (CO), Elvira Dyangani Ose (ES), Anna Sofie Mathiasen (DK), Lara Ögel (TR), Amina Sahan (NO), Kim Svensson (SE), Stephanie Von Spreter (DE).

Vennligst merk at arrangementet er gratis og har begrenset antall plasser // Reserver din plass via denne lenken: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/praksis-meet-the-residents-tickets-47015742351

The Collective Subject of History er utviklet i samarbeid med Elvira Dyangani Ose og Guttormsgaards Arkiv. For mer informasjon om gjesteoppholdet, deltagerne og relaterte arrangementer, klikk her: https://www.praksisoslo.org/residencies-blog/2017/4/residency10

Tidligere arrangement: 27. juni
Fotball-VM på Brygg Oslo
Senere arrangement: 27. juni