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Daomove intro evening Oslo - Norsk Taiji Senter

How are you impacting the world?

When you open up to the unknown, and dare to step into it, the potential impact your expression has increases exponentially.

As we grow up, the conditioning of society limits our expression by restricting the spectrum of emotion and movement that is seen as acceptable. By relearning how to listen to the impulses and intuition that moves through us, we can start to let go of how we think things should be, and open up to all that is possible.

What will you explore this evening?

The workshop will be a space where you can explore yourself and the completely unique expression that lives inside you. A space for exploring what happens in you as you connect with another person in the moment, not knowing where it will take you, or what will be created between you. You will have the possibility to open up parts of yourself that you may not have known existed.

There will be structures in place to support that process.

If you feel inspired to explore this, you can register and book your place in the workshop at https://bit.ly/2qKZnyz

The facilitator will be Bjarte Hiley, the founder of Daomove.

You can watch an introduction video about Daomove here >>


Register by May 3rd: kr. 200

Pay at the door: kr. 300

Sign up here: https://bit.ly/2qKZnyz

Any questions can be directed to bjarte@daomove.com and are warmly welcomed.


The workshop will take place at Norsk Taiji Senter, Kirkegata 1-3, Kvadraturen, Oslo

Date and time:
May 4th, 19:00-21:30

To register for the introduction: https://bit.ly/2qKZnyz

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