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Be smart, get fit in 6 weeks! - Munchs gate 7

Sign up for a 6 weeks course in DypHot. Practise in a 40 degrees hot room heated with infrared heat. You practice Monday Wednesday and Friday at 07.30 to 08.30 Naema and Henrik teaches the entire course. Sign up in our app dypyoga under "enrollments" NOK 2900,-

The series is always the same as in the poster, always with the same timing, always with the deep sweating and detox effect. 
At Dypyoga we have a custom made infrared heating system Perfect for Dyp Hot. The infrared heat waves are absorbed by the body, which causes it to increase blood circulation, boosting immune functionality, detox and reducing joint stiffness.This course stimulates the body to increase its own hormonal production and

Dyp Hot is an intense, and a really good workout.
Energy creates energy, meaning if you are stressed use some energy on practice and you move towards equanimity of mind and peace. If you are depressed or feeling low in energy, this course will give you an energetic boost.

DypHot balances the interaction between strength, balance and flexibility. The rhythm and sequence of DypHot is easily accessible to everybody. The focus of the instructions is on correct technical execution. Although the instructions are general, you will also receive individual instructions along the way. The class is performed in 40 degrees in ifra red heat to maximize the health benefits which are:

-natural hormonal therapy as you stimulate your body to produce your own hormones more efficiently.
-Increasing flexibility strength and balance.
-Improves the quality of sleep.
-Gives energy and focus.
-Improoves concentration.

One has to bring a towel, a drinking bottle and a yoga-mat to the class. Welcome to a hard, fun workout! 

Sincerely Henrik Allum & Naema Noor

Tidligere arrangement: 8. februar
Les Misérables på Folketeateret 2018!