For the different options to get a ticket for this event: scroll to bottom / to reserve your spot: buy online via ticket-link in description. English spoken event Interstellar Channeling | Open Q and A Self Development | Multidimensionality
"PREMONITION & DEJA-VU | Past - Present & Future You"
At this event, Arjun will speak about the concept of Time and it’s practical function in our space-time reality. He will also zoom in on how we can play with this idea. How can we ‘cross connect’ to different parallel timelines or incarnations? How to shift to a more preferred timeline? How to ‘tune-in’ with a range of possible options in front of us? What is the effect of any decision we make and what is the idea behind so called ‘windows of opportunity’? What are ‘memories’ – seen from a grander perspective? And how does “time” actually work as a creational mechanism – whilst everything happening at once, in the same Here and Now?
Related topics: Shifting time-lines, Time-travel, Premonitions and Deja-vu’s, Memories and Dreams the multiverse 'theory' and more.
The Yahyel will share some insights and tools to help us 'ground' higher frequencies into our every day lives and deal with challenges we may encounter along the way. After this sharing, you can ask all the questions you like (related or not related to the main theme).
As always; it is the passion of our dear interstellar family, to inspire us to shift to an even higher frequency within ourselves. This can be tangible in the room - not only in the words that come trough, but also in the energy present during the channeling
Before we start with the channeling, we will hear a few words (15 min) from a Norwegian guest speaker who has certainly earned their 'stripes' in the consicious UFO & ET- disclosure community.
On our last Oslo-event (Aug 12th - 2018 ) our guest speaker was Terje Toftenes. This time we will hear from Terje again on his incredible discoveries done in the field of UFO exploration.
Terje Toftenes is a director and producer, known for The Day Before Disclosure (2010), Crossovers from Another Dimension... (2005) and The Portal: The Hessdalen Light Phenomenon (2009).
WIETEKE is an Interstellar channel & artist from the Netherlands, who has been in conscious contact with Extra Terrestrial beings since the age of 3. Throughout her life, these multidimensional experiences assisted her in her own spiritual growth and eventually led her to step forward with these connections as a channel, with a focus on the hybrid races. She now travels the world on a regular basis, to share her passion and joy about these topics as a New Paradigm speaker and YouTube-vlogger. During the past few years she became widely known for her channeling work with Arjun of the YahYel.
ARJUN is a male member of the YahYel and functions as a First Contact Specialist between their Extra Dimensional / Extra Terrestrial and our human race. He works in cooperation with several other hybrid races, Pleiades/Sirius and many more loving star-family members. He offers ideas of self-empowerment and inspiration to those who resonate with this route of information. He has proven to be a warmhearted, intelligent - fun and playful personality.
THE YAHYEL express that it is their joy to assist humanity (when requested) - through the shift in consciousness that is currently unfolding on planet Earth. They have a good sense of humor and feel deeply into any given situation when asked a question or offered a statement.
On this event, you will get an opportunity to ask the YahYel any question that you may have. Topics can be every-day-ish or in-dept life-matters, personal or general in nature. Feel free to ask and discover what reflections will be offered. We welcome you to this Interstellar exploration that can bring you far beyond, and deeply inwards, if you so desire.
Estimated SCHEDULE
Doors open at 19:00 hrs
19:00 - 19:15 Walk in and welcome
19:15 - 19:30 Guest speaker - Terje Toftenes
19:30 - 20:15 Sharing and Q and A with Arjun (live channeling)
20:15 - 20:30 Break (+ Opportunity to buy drinks and use bathroom)
20:30 - 21:15 Q and A with Arjun (live channeling)
21:15 - 21:30 After chat and walk out
REVIEWS "So far, every event with Arjun that I've been to; the energies just went through the roof! I couldn't believe this was even possible until I got to experience it for myself. For days I continued to feel the flow" (review of an energy worker, present at several group sessions during 2017).
"Arjun to me feels like a playful mix, between Bashar and Abraham Hicks. He has a strong energetic presence and a good sense of humor, yet still manages to ground everything into practical information!" (Review of a visitor on a previous group event in 2017)
ADDITIONAL LINKS Wieteke facilitates group- and private sessions with Arjun, in person and internationally via Skype.
Check out this interview with Yannecke from "Wisdom from North" in OSLO:
*Please bring exact cash or make a digital bank transfer on the spot using your phone.
Note: we cannot guarantee there will still be room for you when you decide to buy your ticket at the door, but you can always try. To make sure you reserve your spot: book via the above-mentioned "Eventbrite" link