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Clothing Swap/ Klesbyttedag

  • Pilestredet 52, 0167 Oslo, Norge (kart)

Tired of your wardrobe? Maybe some extra layers for the Norwegian winter? Want to do a good cause and give your clothes away? ESNOslo is having a clothing drive!

All students are welcomed to attend this event. 

>>>>>>Students who are dropping off their clothes will receive tokens- 1 token per clothing. This means you can use this token in exchange for a new piece of clothing that someone else has dropped off! <<<<<<<

We're looking for students who want to drop off their old/new clothes.

Monday, 12 November 2018 1700-1900
Monday, 19 November 2018 1700-1900

DROP-OFF LOCATION: Sognsveien 77B0855 Oslo, Norway
Closest t-bane station: Ullevål station. 

~~~~~~For hygienic reasons, please make sure you drop off clean and washed clothes. ~~~~~~

This event is made in celebration of Social Inclusion Days.

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) is organizing the Social Inclusion Days initiative where more than 500 local associations in 40 countries will host events raising awareness and take action about volunteering and disability from 19th of November until 3rd of December.

Our mission is to provide young citizens with the opportunity to do more during their mobility experience, to make a difference and create a positive social change through volunteering. Besides this, international volunteers have a better chance in expanding their knowledge of other cultures and educational systems and in having a first-hand experience with the locals. While celebrating and enjoying their Erasmus+ experience, students and young people will have a chance to take part in activities such as food drives and donations, fundraisers, clothes donations, animal shelter visits, educational workshops, conferences, and many more events that promote social inclusion.

Brought to you by ESN Norway's ExchangeAbility and Social Erasmus Committee.

Tidligere arrangement: 26. november
Bakekurs - Gjærbakst (for voksne)
Senere arrangement: 26. november
Bjørnemandag: Filmvisning