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1001 Nights - Lamya's workshop (Isis Wings)

  • Oslo Magedansstudio avd. Torshov 0477 Oslo, Norway Oslo Norway (kart)

13:30 - 15:30 "Isis Wings" - Lamya. 
NOK 400,- 
NB! Torshov studio.

To sign up for workshops please contact us on post@oslomagedans.com. All workshops must be paid right away after you have e-mailed to reserve your spot. Please respect this.

Payment info:Oslo Magedans v /Ydstie bankkontonr. 0535 1967 090 In the comments box, please specify which workshops you are paying for and if somebody else is paying for you, you also need to put participant name in the comments box.

International payment info: Oslo Magedans v /Ydstie, Bentsebrugt. 11b, 0476 Oslo, Norway. IBAN: NO86 0535 1967 090. BIC/SWIFT: DNBANOKKXXX

Billetter til lørdags-forestillingen kjøper du hos www.oslokonserthus.nosamt på Posten, 7-eleven og Narvesen.


Tidligere arrangement: 18. november
SYNG'ende familiekino: Happy Feet