Skuespiller- og danseralliansen har invitert Louise Höjer til å holde workshop, med fokus på dramaturgiske strategier innen dans. Løpende påmelding.
"This is a workshop about playing games and stripping down. It is about allowing complexity to arise out of a game structure. We will only have ourselves, our personal narratives, and embodiment as material.
Louise Höjer has worked with Tino Sehgal for over a decade as a producer, dramaturge, and dancer. In these capacities she maintains a practice of setting and negotiating compositional structures that are rule based.
Her workshop will focus on how to create rich, complex pieces through the use of simple dramaturgical strategies. Her belief is that the strength of a piece comes from ensuring a space for freedom within the work – a space which allows for the unknown to emerge, but is itself contained within the fixed compositional frame that the game or rules allow."
In this workshop she will explore such game-based compositions: how to create them, ways of inhabiting them, and techniques for directing groups of dancers and performers within them.
The workshop will provide dancers and makers with dramaturgical and improvisational tools for creating, sustaining, and getting the most out of game-based compositions. On the first day of the workshop, we will explore existing strategies and learn excerpts of existing pieces. On the second day, participants will develop their own scores and choreographies.
Louise Höjer is a director, producer, and dancer. In the main, she works with the visual artist Tino Sehgal and has produced his work since 2005. She is interested in the cross-over of visual and performative arts. In 2016, she co-curated the visual arts x dance programme at ImpulsTanz in Vienna. The same summer, she was also a co-mentor of DanceWeb at ImpulsTanz. She has given workshops at the NTA in Fredrikstad, UdK in Berlin, the University of Dance and Circus in Stockholm, and ImpulsTanz. She has lectured internationally.
Application requirements:
Dancers and "movers"
The workshop is held in English
NOTE: Registration is binding. If your application is accepted, you'll need to pay the fee in due date. All applicants will get answer in due time after the deadline. You should be able to participate all 2 days. If you are accepted to participate but choose not to attend, without letting us know a week in advance or earlier, the tuition is non-refundable
Photo by: Descha Daemgen 2016