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Discussion table Oslo

  • Filipstad Brygge Oslo, Oslo, 0252 Norway (kart)

Oslo Discussion Table

Our starting topic for discussion at this meeting will be courage/confidence: are these two the same thing? How do they develop? How do we nurture and foster them in ourselves and others? How do they show up in business?

It will be a relaxed evening, with a light schedule as follows:

7pm Arrivals and meeting other attendees

7.30pm Short introduction

7.45pm Sit down for tapas and neighbour discussion

9pm Wrap-up/whole table discussion (30 minutes)

After this you are welcome to stay for more drinks and chat if you'd like to.

We're asking for a small contribution to cover costs of food and drinks - if you'd like to attend please message us and we'll let you know how to contribute.

Tidligere arrangement: 15. november
Open kveld: Nynorsk på NRK.no
Senere arrangement: 15. november
THIEF MUSIC Unplugged 15/11