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Martin Bisi (USA) BC35

  • KAFÉ HÆRVERK Hausmanns gate 34, 0182 Oslo Norway (kart)

"Martin Bisi Probably Produced All Your Favorite Records

"Thumb through your ol’ vinyl, cassette, CD, or download collection and chances are it has Bisi’s stamp. In the Brooklyn deathtrap studio he’s called home, literally, since the late 70s, Bisi has presided over recordings that defined seminal scenes counting downtown NYC’s avant-garde jazz scene, 80s art-rock and 90s Bowery scum-rock. A glance at his stunning, across-the-genre-board discography results in minds blown. There’s John Zorn, Fab Five Freddy, Afrika Bambaata, Sonic Youth, Swans, Live Skull, Rat At Rat R, Unsane, Cop Shoot Cop, Dresden Dolls, and Helmet while more recent action includes White Hills, EULA, Cinema Cinema, Needle Driver, and Violent Femmes. The eye popping list goes on and on."

MARTIN BISI is a producer, musician, and central figure in the musical history of New York City for the past four decades. He and his and band are touring in support of BC35 (Bronson Recordings), an album marking the 35 year anniversary of 
BC Studio -his Brooklyn recording studio. The album Includes new music by people from over the decades who've recorded 
there. His band covers post-rock/punk, Industrial and experimental territory

Trailer for documentary "Sound & Chaos: The Story Of BC Studio" (Martin Bisi's recording studio):
http://youtu.be/hl-gLgjV4SI w/ comments by Bill Laswell, Michael Gira (Swans), Bob Bert (Sonic Youth), Jim Thirlwell aka Foetus

Tidligere arrangement: 13. november
Ninjabeat - releasekonsert "West"
Senere arrangement: 14. november
DIXI 20 år - jubileumskonferanse