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Surrender - Shine - Conquer

  • Aktivitetshuset K1 - Munch room Oslo Norway (kart)

Close to the New Moon we are always invited to seed an Intention, opening a new window of our Soul towards something beautiful and rewarding.
In a time of the year when the darkness overtakes the light and the days become shorter we are called to light a candle inside our Spirit witt the Love of our Heart. Our Inner Force and Wisdom are thus cooperating to give birth to a new version of ourselves. How this version will be? What do you wish to manifest, what precious skill, craft or idea can come to light and mature in the months to come? Are you ready to surrender to your feminine creativity, shine with your whole Power and Strength and conquer the world? Are you ready to embody the Goddess in You?

This workshop is an invitation to all lovely sisters ready to fulfil and show their true potential, not afraid to face the darkness and to shed light on their Inner Self, their Wisdom and Bountifulness. We will meditate, sing, pray and cherish our most authentic Essence as Beings of Light, Seeds of Stars and Daughters of the Moon.

Please bring a blanket or a mat, a bottle of water, comfortable cloths (we might dance!), some fruits or chocolate to share with the others and a donation of 150kr (only cash, no VIPPS).

Try to come at least 5 minutes earlier and no later than 15 min after 17.00. Anyone coming later than this will be left outside the sacred container. Somebody will wait for you downstairs to open the door, if necessary.

Welcoming you with my full Heart and Light blessing, I wish you a wonderful Fall!
For any enquiries or question, call, send SMS or messenger to 92259553.
Thanks, takk, merci, grazie, gracias, obrigada, spasiva etc.etc...