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Banat al Balad: Tarabiat - Arabisk konsert og magedans

  • pin Caféteateret hollendergata 8, 0190 Oslo Norway (kart)

Vi inviterer til konsert og dans med høyklassisk og folkelig musikk fra den arabiske verdenen. 

Perkusjonist og bandleder Guy Schalom (UK/Egypt) har med seg musikerne Gamal el Kordi (Egypt) på trekkspill og Ali Alassi på oud og vokal (Libanon). Til daglig spiller de sammen i orkesteret Baladi Blues Ensemble, og på denne spesielle kvelden i Oslo vil de berike oss med musikalske perler fra Oum Kalthoum, Warda, Abdel Halim Hafez og Mohammed Abdel Wahab, i tillegg til den tradisjonsrike urbane baladi-musikken fra Kairos gater. Kveldens flotte dansere kommer fra Norge, Sverige og Storbritannia, og de vil opptre til både baladi og tarab-musikk. Dette er høstens desiderte godbit for både ører og øyne!

Forhåndssalg: Kr. 200,- (reserver på mail: camp@studioorient.no)
I døra: Kr. 250,- (kontant eller vipps)

Konsertstart kl. 21.00. Dørene åpner kl. 20.30.

Described as «one of the most interesting an versatile percussionists working in the UK today» (fROOTS), Guy Schalom has 30 years of experience playing for dancers. He leads Europe’s foremost Egyptian band, the Baladi Blues Ensemble, and is in high demand internationally for both his drumming and empowering teaching. Specialising in Egyptian music, Guy Schalom has performed with major Arabic recording artists Natacha Atlas, Mahmoud Fadl, Hijazy Metkal, Mussa el Kenawi, the Musicians of the Nile and dancers as diverse as Suraya Hilal and Jillina (Bellydance Superstars). https://www.guyschalom.com/ 

London-based accordion master Gamal el Kordi has been playing professionally since the age of fifteen. As a highly sought after musician in Cairo he was accordionist for the legendary singer and composer Farid Al-Atrash and worked with the greatest Egyptian dancers of his generation including Samia Gamal, Soheir Zaki and Zeinat Helwi to name a few. He has been based in London since the early 1980s and has accompanied visiting Arabic stars such as composer Baligh Hamdi and singers Talal Maddah and Walid Tewfik. A prolific composer and active musician to this day, Gamal continues his collaborations touring and recording with next generation recording artists such as Natacha Atlas, Hossam Ramzy and Guy Schalom. 

Born in Beirut, Ali has been singing and presenting music programs since childhood. His greatest passion belonging to the classical Arabic music and repertoire known as Tarab, Ali also accompanies himself on the Oud (Arabic lout) in traditional style. He has performed for several high profile celebrities in Germany, where he resides, such as the German Minister President Mr. Roman Herzog. After winning 2nd place in the renowned TV talent show ARAB IDOL in Dubai in 2002, Ali has recorded his own music both in Cairo and Lebanon and continues to tour internationally.

Tidligere arrangement: 6. oktober
Nordic Highway / Hvaskjer
Senere arrangement: 6. oktober
Kristian Kristensen i Nordstrand kirke